Questions & Answers: “COVID-19: The year after”

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Mark Nieuwenhuijsen (ISGlobal) answers some of the questions from the participants


Could the outdoor classroom held in urban parks for example offer an opportunity for connecting people to nature and providing time in greenspace with benefits for human and environmental health? Thanks. Tadhg MacIntyre

MARK NIEUWENHUIJSEN (ISGlobal): Yes I believe it is a great idea to some extent. In countries like Germany there are already Forest schools and this could be expanded. I wonder if it is possible for all schools or that it just needs to be part of the overall program.


This was an amazing meeting, very useful for understand especially the next steps. We are worried about Latin American countries were the air pollution have been an issue very complex to deal for long time, especially in big cities. Our cities in general have bad indicators related to healthy cities. It is possible start with small interventions with high impact in your experiences? Sandra Cortés

MARK NIEUWENHUIJSEN (ISGlobal): Sure, for example for traffic related air pollution reducing or  liminating motorized traffic from (some) road will reduce the local air pollution levels directly. We have seen this in areas that have been pedestrianized.


How to persuade people to return to public transport after the peak of COVID-19 related lockout?Michal Krzyzanowski

MARK NIEUWENHUIJSEN (ISGlobal): Make sure that the system is not overcrowded, people keep distance, that it is cleaned/disinfected daily, and that users wear masks.

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